How to start with any bangalorean in Kannada?

Below words can be used with kannada people by putting it in front of the first sentence.

Instead of Uta aytha? (Had lunch/dinner), you can use “En guru, Uta aytha?” Which gives more native touch and meaningful.

Guru: Any unknown person who is aged 20-40 and not more than 5 years elder or younger to you.
Macha/ Maga: close and very well known friend.
Shishya: To call someone whom you can dominate upon. (Might turn offensive if you use to heroic persons) 

Other words which can be used to friends: Raaja, Chinna, Kandha
How to start with any bangalorean in Kannada? How to start with any bangalorean in Kannada? Reviewed by RK on 09:02 Rating: 5

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